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Last week, some niche streaming platform decided to drop support for #Firefox, which was odd to me as it still works fine once I set my User Agent to Chrome.

Turns out, they were planning a new "Premium" subscription with HDR, which Firefox does not support yet.

I get that they probably want to avoid users complaining that the feature they paid for does not work, but could they not just have put a banner that reads "HDR not supported on your browser" instead?

As usual it seems #Interop is all about the shiny-shiny. Maybe I just don't get the criteria. Maybe it's just sour grapes. But...

Yes I'd love to see Anchor Positioning implemented as much as the next person, but there are actual harmful bugs that need to be fixed. Rightly or wrongly I see Interop as a way of pressurising browser makers into prioritising them, including these old chestnuts:

GitHubSupport for `break-after:avoid` and `break-inside: avoid` in multi-column and paged media · Issue #749 · web-platform-tests/interopPar clagnut
A répondu dans un fil de discussion

@Gargron @mosseri

eugen it's good news, but only in the scope of championing #activitypub

i don't think when you made #mastodon 8 yrs ago you thought "yes! i get to work with #facebook someday!"

i'm happy you're happy but i step back and see #threads #interop as sad

what you and your team built is amazing and i appreciate all you've done

because it is #decentralized

it's not #centralized #socialmedia hell that is eating our psychology, our societies, our politics

it should stay that way

Various #ThingUmbrella and #GenArtAPI updates from this week:

- Added null pointer checks & guards in This also includes support for structs with fields using Zig-style optional pointers.
- Updated the code generator for #TypeScript to produce smaller code for structs using many string fields
- Did major ground work on #Zig #WebAssembly bindings of core functionality (see small demo below)
- Fixed/updated/simplified time provider logic
- Updated the debug time provider with its FPS analytics/visualization overlay, now computing moving min/max and moving average (default period = 200 frames) and the viz is dynamically/smoothly rescaling to current peak
- Released new GenArtAPI v0.9.0

As for the Zig/WASM example: This is only interesting from a technical POV, no visuals here! All canvas drawing and parameter declarations/evaluations are done via Zig, using the aforementioned infrastructure to provide a new API module which can be seamlessly used with the other hybrid WASM API modules, here for DOM creation ( and to handle Canvas2D drawing (

At the moment, this GenArtAPI WASM module is still a fixed part of this example, but will eventually be extracted & distributed as separate package.

Demo (with param editor):

Choose one of the two GUI implementations, then make any parameter changes and you should see the new values applied immediately (btw. the demo is likely not very usable on mobile)...

Source code (TypeScript in `/src`, Zig in `/zig` directories):, modular, extensible API bridge and infrastructure for hybrid JS & WebAssembly projects

This is an opportunity to improve #interop and #webcompat across browsers.

Read carefully the blog post and specifically the section "What Makes a Great Proposal?"

PS: Si vous êtes francophone et que vous aimeriez contribuer mais que vous avez du mal avec l'anglais, je peux vous aider.

WebKit · Get Ready for Interop 2025: Your Chance to Shape the WebHey web developers!

If you're like me and have been publishing your computational/code-based/parametric/generative art for a long time, you'll likely have run into issues of having to revisit and re-edit/re-configure your pieces for different usage scenarios (e.g. preparing for an exhibition), which can become quite time-consuming & annoying for those pieces which originally had been created for a single publishing platform only (e.g. fxhash, highlight, etc.) and whose integration mechanics become a hindrance for such repurposing (or have changed themselves in the meantime and require updating)...

For that reason (and several other sanity-related aspects), over the past 6 months I've been refactoring most of my own pieces from the past 3-4 years to use a new platform independent API to deal with all parameter related aspects, obtaining/seeding PRNGs, configuring resolutions, time providers/schedulers (e.g. for realtime/non-realtime animation), transport control (i.e. start/stop/resume), exposing "art features" (e.g. for rarity calculation), triggering preview/thumbnail generation etc.

Now my art works only depend on this generalized API and any platform-specifics can be injected via small "platform plugins" (which means simply adding another script tag to your HTML)

I wrote about this all a few months ago already, but just added a first tiny public example, started updating the project Readme and also been doing some more documentation work on this x-platform API & workflow options.

The benefit to artists working in this field is very clear to me already, but also publish platforms/markets can benefit from adopting (and helping to shape) this API more (with very little integration effort required on their end). Mostly they'd just need some minor glue code, event handlers for their platform-specific param encoding/decoding. On the other hand, they can delegate things like param validation, coercion, randomization etc.

If you want to have an early look at the example:

- the "art" running in an iframe has zero knowledge of anything other than the x-platform API
- some of the supported param types have no GUI widget in this demo
- the GUI widgets are auto-generated from exposed param specs
- updating widgets and propagating these changes is done via IPC messages (via the genart API)
- not all features are shown in this example!


Since I've been working on a bunch of other things, progress on this has rather been slow, but I'll be actively looking for feedback and will post another update once I'm more ready to receive/address this...

I just wanted to publish this blog post, but I found 2 new bugs!

Will file them later, but its reminding me of what happens when using bleeding edge* technology and how there are still #interop issue to iron out!

ok, so mastodon and wordpress have been federating for a while but often using them together i'm finding new issues!

"It’s time to stop playing defense. It's time to go on the offensive. To restore #competition, #regulation, #interop and tech worker power so that we can create the new, good internet we’ll need to fight fascism, the climate emergency, and genocide.

To build a digital nervous system for a 21st century in which our children can thrive and prosper."

@pluralistic says it's time to "Hack the planet!"

pluralistic.netPluralistic: “Disenshittify or Die” (17 Aug 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow