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`Inspired by William Blake's poem The Crystal Cabinet, it is one of many of Morrison's songs inspired by Blake's poetry. Portion of the lyrics is suggested that borrows from the 12th-century Irish Lebor na hUidre (Book of the Dun Cow) manuscript. According to local Santa Barbara, California, lore, Morrison wrote the song after taking LSD on an Isla Vista beach one night as he stared at the blinking lights of an offshore oil rig named Platform Holly`

en.wikipedia.orgThe Crystal Ship - Wikipedia

I accidentality watched the 1993 induction of the Doors in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (:youtube: Co-founder of the Doors Ray Manzarek (1939-2013, :wiki: called the Reagan/Bush Sr. administration fascists. I absolutely agree and I'm happy for Ray that he didn’t had to endure the ultra-fascists who are now in office. Overton window in full effect here!

But don't forget that a lot of people (especially men) who were getting high on the Doors in the summer of 1967, voted for #Trump. Probably a lot of them because they were very disappointed about Clinton, Obama and Biden. But that's still not a reason to vote for Trump! Ray turns over in his grave. And Jim as well!