I accidentality watched the 1993 induction of the Doors in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs4Po4YricE). Co-founder of the Doors Ray Manzarek (1939-2013,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Manzarek) called the Reagan/Bush Sr. administration fascists. I absolutely agree and I'm happy for Ray that he didn’t had to endure the ultra-fascists who are now in office. Overton window in full effect here!
But don't forget that a lot of people (especially men) who were getting high on the Doors in the summer of 1967, voted for #Trump. Probably a lot of them because they were very disappointed about Clinton, Obama and Biden. But that's still not a reason to vote for Trump! Ray turns over in his grave. And Jim as well!